VisitorXXX sex with the most beautiful girls in the world 10
As I was travelling through the solar system I discovered earth and found that some of the most beautiful female species exist there. I love to travel the galaxies spreading my seed, hoping one day for my people to be able to colonize other planets. So far earth has some of the finest pussy this side of the J-Star Nebula.
The world would be a loving place if we all sucked each other’s asses instead of calling each other names for any stupid thing.
What an incredibly gay thing to say. If you came to Texas and tried to suck my ass you’d end up 6 feet in the ground!
Violence is typically the last resort of an unintelligent man that can’t use his words. Why would you want to hurt me when all I wanted to do was suck your ass?
Because I’m not a gay like you. My mother raised me right. I’ll give you something to suck on! How about the end of my double barrel!
You earthlings probably wouldn’t believe it, but on almost all the planets I’ve been to in the past, on the vast majority of them it is customary to suck each other’s asses on a regular basis. Even if they don’t know each other, it’s like saying hello. It’s similar to a handshake on earth, or waving hello or goodbye. I know it seems strange to you here, but it really shouldn’t be. I would gladly suck your ass if we met.
I’m sorry, but this seems insane to me. Don’t you run into sanitary issues? Or are assholes used for different things with different species? I would probably like it if you could be sure you would never get a dirty bumhole in your face.
I love older ladies that are able to keep themselves looking good. She looks really hot in that outfit and you can tell she takes care of her body. I also love her shoes. Lots of men love women in sexy high heels. In fact, I’ve known men that can’t cum unless the women they are fucking is wearing high heels. Nice to see she let him cum inside her too. Very hot.