Reptile2 sex with American girls without a condom in the basement of their lair 2
This babe asked if she could bring her friend with her back to my place. Of course I agreed. But little did I know she was talking about her giant vibrator! I thought maybe she was going to bring a lesbian friend along. But we still had fun with her other friend. It made her really wet and slippery for when it came time for me to shove my hard cock in her.
She really loved that dildo. Speaking of big cocks, have you ever seen an alligator penis? They are about 10 cm long and are completely white. I guess you could say they look like my own cock. LOL. I’ve had a gator come at me with an erect penis before and I knew what it was trying to do. Luckily I was able to subdue it before anything bad happened. For the average person, seeing a gator penis means you probably aren’t going to survive.
What on earth are you doing looking at gator penises?
Well it’s not that I was looking for it. I am around them so much they start to think I am one of them. It just wanted to mate with me.
I have a feeling you are the one that wants to mate with them! Weirdo gator man!