Muscle Cock fucks Elite Pussy in Copacabana 11

I've been out here celebrating after winning the Boxing Cock League tournament. Sure there was some controversy with the judging, but I still came out on top. Here I am enjoying one of my many prizes. We get to fuck a lot of hot women for free after winning the BCL tournament. My cock was sore from the fights, but sticking it inside this hot babe made it feel a lot better.

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  • This clown and his deformed penis will be panhandling on the street corner after I am done with him. No way you can dodge my Spiderman cum attack.

  • Damn she’s got a fine set of titties on her!

  • That sweet prize you’re fucking with your deformed cock belongs to my man, Anaconda Bob. You should be ashamed evening accepting that award after your horrible performance and the obvious tainted judging pool. This is a disgrace.

  • I am a little apprehensive on this girl. On one hand she has natural good looks, kind of like a girl next door thing going on. But at the same time, she doesn’t really exude sexiness. She seems too busy talking instead of getting down to action. Plus she kind of dressed like a slob. I guess maybe that is a kink for some guys. But she should try to make herself look more sexy instead of like she is laying around the house on a Sunday watching soap operas.

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