Indian Man wants to fuck every girl on planet 11

On my quest to fuck every woman in the world, I managed to bed yet another gorgeous white woman on my sexual journey across the United States. Just look at her perfect pink pussy. Our women in India don't look like that. My number of women fucked is now in the triple digits, but I still have a long way to go. Wish me luck.

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  • Man she is like some kind of angel. What an amazing pussy on her. I want to fuck her so bad.

  • She has a gorgeous pussy, but I don’t know why she ruins it with that piercing. I don’t know any guys that want that rubbing up against their cock. Speaking from experience.

  • You again. Only in the hundreds of women fucked? That’s laughable. When I throw parties at my mansion I sometimes have hundreds of escorts there in just one night. I take care of my friends. You will never fuck every woman on this planet. I’m already way ahead of you.

    • While I enjoy premarital sex as much as the next man, please be careful. There is a limit between having a good time and overdoing it. I can’t help but think the Lord would look down on you corrupting hundreds of women in one evening.

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