Fan of the Cryptobillionaire emulated his idol in a new series 3

I've been watching my crypto investments grow so rapidly after following the cryptobillionaire's advice that I can now afford exotic Asian VIP escorts. This is a big improvement from the streetwalkers I started out with. I love watching a lovely Asian woman sucking my cock and lick my balls while she's looking into my eyes. Thanks cryptobillionaire! Without you none of this would have been possible.

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  • I’m so honoured I was able to help you afford your first VIP escort! I’m glad my work is making a difference. Just like your work is now helping others.

  • I love Asian women but she has that look I don’t really care for. I’m not sure what it is. Something about her face. She doesn’t have the exotic Asian look that most men want. Plus her fake lashes look ridiculous. They look like something she ripped off a Barbie doll. I don’t think I would consider her a VIP escort. I think the only thing VIP about her would be the price she is charging, which is probably way too high.

    • She looks amazing to me. She is probably from Thailand or Vietnam area. They all have that similar look. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean other people aren’t attracted to it.

      • Exactly. Why is a woman on this site insulting the other women in the videos? Sounds like she needs a job.

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