Fan of the Cryptobillionaire emulated his idol in a new series 14
Another gorgeous brunette I got to enjoy thanks to my newly found wealth that I gained by following the advice of the cryptobillionaire. I am living my life just how he taught me. Retired early and care free! Now I spend all my days showering prostitutes with money and gett my cock sucked and fucked by the most gorgeous women in the world. None of this would have been possible if not for the advice of the cryptobillionaire.
Must be nice to be so rich you don’t have anything else to do but sit around and fuck prostitutes all day. How do I learn how to make money like this crypto billionaire guy you are talking about?
LOL. You do not want financial advice from the crypto billionaire. He is broke and was literally begging me for money last month. The only advice he can give is to on how to be a failure.
I am rebuilding my empire one day at a time. My advice is still sound. I just had some bad luck.
Please consider bringing the Lord into your life. You will learn there is more to life than money. Hot pussy and the lord is all you need my son.