Elite Colombian Pussy 1

This stripper had pretty much a perfect body. Just look at that ass. You can tell she exercises and takes care of herself. Everything was so tight and firm with nothing out of place. No cellulite to be seen. To afford a nice girl like this you need a good paying job. These girls charge as much for a dance as most girls do for full service sex. But once you see her slide that skirt off you can see why. She is perfection.

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  • Everyone talking about her perfect ass. Looks a bit small to me. I like a big booty. Not the ass of an athletic man.

  • That is probably the nicest ass I have seen on this site. It’s a shame this bloke was too cheap to be able to fuck her.

    • That is the problem with most of the people in the world, they want nice things, but don’t want to work for them. This guy paid at least 4 of these women to dance for him, instead of just saving up his money and getting himself one night of sex. Very poor money management skills.

      • Why don’t you offer the poor guy a job then, if you’re so smart and well off? All I see you do is brag and insult others. Why don’t you try to help other people instead of being so negative all the time.

        • I’ve done more to help people on this site that you have. Have you heard about my various crypto offerings? The BaldCoin? My sex robots for people too uncomfortable to have sex with real women? What have you done to help others on here, other than pissing up at your betters.

          • I’ve talked to people without insutling them. You should try it sometime. Asshole.

  • That is the perfect Colombian ass I am talking about. I could work out 4 hours a day doing squats and my ass would still never look like that. That is a 10 out of 10 booty. Good job girl. The sad part is she probably doesn’t even work out.

    • You are right, her body is so perfect. It really comes down to genetics. These girls can eat almost anything they want and still look perfect every day. I am so jealous. I have to have a personal gym membership just to stay somewhat in shape.

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