Cum Wao Ping fucks beautiful girls to beat his gambling addiction 2

OK, the hotel finally stopped comping me rooms, so I had to book this shady little room down the street. What a shithole. But I wasn't there to enjoy a fine hotel room. I just wanted to get my rocks off with this hot brunette so I could forget about gambling for an hour or so. She was truly gorgeous and I'd rather get fucked by her than get fucked by the craps table.

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  • This is a good video too, but when you’re fucking her doggystyle, ask her to face the camera. That way we’re not seeing the guy’s ass the entire time. We want to see the girl, not the guy. Also, go for bareback, that’s hot.

  • I don’t know if this woman picked the room, or if it was the John. But if it was her, she really needs to rethink what she is doing. No one wants to get naked in a seedy-looking place like that. It looks like a place that was probably a former crime scene. At least buy some candles or some nice bed sheets to make the place more romantic and inviting. Your tips will be a lot better and you’ll get more return customers if you make your customers comfortable. That place is disgusting.

    • Good looking room? candles? stop romanticizing the fact she is there to get paid 2 have sex. No customers have $$$$$ to spend on hos.

  • You should take the money you saved by buying that shitty hotel room and invest it into crypto.

    • What horrible advice to give to a gambler. The crypto market is the biggest gamble out there, and definitely not a safe investment.

  • we want the crypto guy

    • The crypto guy is a fraud that got lucky gambling just like Cum Wao Ping. Now maybe when you said you want the crypto guy, you were talking about me? My SpermBlowjob Coin is the hottest new crypto on the market and there is still time to get in on the ground floor. Don’t miss out.

      • No he was clearly talking about me, idiot. Look at my name. I am the crypto guy, not you. No one cares about your stupid made up coin. BTC is the only crypto that still matters.

    • He’s a nutjob and he’s trying to ruin the sex industry for women like me with his ridiculous sex robots.

      • The only nutjob here is you, clinging to the old ways. If the world was run by people like you we would all still be riding on horseback.

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