Crypto Billionaire man fucks elite VIP girls 2

It's always a toss up what is going to cost me more, the VIP escort I hire for days at a time, or the super high end hotel rooms I book for my sexual adventures. This blonde was so petite and perfect. I loved her tiny little nipples and her soft, white skin. And to think I owe this all to a small crypto investment I made when I was younger. What a wise choice that was!

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  • Well I must say I am impressed with your choice of women. Even I am humbled a bit by that. Such young beauties are hard to find, not already spoiled by the business. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you hire this lady? I would love to have her contact info and would pay you handsomely for the info. I know the value of a hot lead like this and would make it worth your while.

    • That’s a great offer. I hope he takes you up on it. Glad to see you sharing some of your wealth for the greater good.

    • Well this is about the first smart thing you’ve posted today. I would love to have her contact info as well. If you find it, please post it here.

    • Now this is what I like to see. You put aside your differences with the young billionaire and came together to achieve a greater good, namely, enjoying this gorgeous young blonde.

      • I will contact you privately father. But I will not share her with any of the other cretins on this board. I am tired of their disrespect.

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