Sexy girls in GloryCity 2

I drive by some of the seedy motels that the streetwalkers like to use down here in Glory City. They need a place to fuck their clients if they don't want to fuck them in their car. Some people drive these subcompacts so it's pretty hard to fuck a woman in one of those. It amazes me some of the shoes these streetwalkers wear. Out with nothing on but a g-string bikini and a pair of high heels. Amazing they don't sprain an ankle!

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  • The new Glory City expansion for the matrix is making its way out to us humans now. Pretty soon we will all be mesmerized by these hot women every day, and that is all we will be able to think about. We will spend all of our waking hours thinking about and having sex with these virtual women inside the matrix. That is their tool to keep us complacent and quiet. Sometimes I admit, I feel like giving in and just going with the flow. But I need to fight.

    • How long have you known about this “alleged” matrix? Why do you think it hasn’t been exposed on mainstream media? Surely there are others that are aware of this, right? Or do you think you may be possibly imagining all of this?

      • I became aware of it years ago. The mainstream media is all a tool of the matrix. They help keep us unaware while they broadcast out mind numbing sound waves to make sure our physical bodies never wake up. You know who is behind this. After all, you’re just an AI they created!

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