Muscle Cock fucks Elite Pussy in Copacabana 5

Copacabana IS great for vacationing, but it's also great for sex tourism. I like to get prepared before I go there so I work out and get myself in the best shape I can. It helps me perform the best in bed. The women have got to know me there, and I now have the nickname of Muscle Cock. They love my big, fat cock. Watch as she struggles to fit my Coke can sized penis in her mouth. It was a tight squeeze because of the massive girth.

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  • She is a very pretty young lady. She did look a tad shy when she seen the size of his massive penis. But I can see any woman being intimidated by that thing. She does a good job putting it inside her mouth and not making it look as uncomfortable as it must have felt. I feel sympathy for women that have to put such giant members inside of them. That’s why I started bringing lube with me to each client. Just in case. Luckily penises this big are few and far between.

  • Moneyneversleeps, OK, you are right, I was just upset and angry over losing my fortune. I’m about to be kicked out of my house. Please don’t sue me. My mind is not in the right space right now. :(

  • This guy acts like he is so impressive with his massive cock. I guarantee I have gotten more Brazilian pussy that he has. And yes, my cock is not as big as his. But he is a freakshow. I got lots of ladies because they respected me and my business prowess. Some women are turned on just as much by intelligence and power as they are by giant brown cocks.

    • Man don’t you ever stop lying and exagerating? I know this guy from some other online forums. He has fucked hundreds of women. HUNDREDS! There is no way you have fucked as many women as he has.

      • Ohhhh, hundreds of women you say. Well that sure is impressive. If you are a buffoon. I have fucked over 7000 women in Brazil and I have each instance recorded on 4K camera. You make me laugh. His giant cock is meaningless when it comes time to pay these women. They want to be spoiled and treated like queens. That’s why my money allows me to do. All his giant cock does is cause them discomfort.

        • Aussie, don’t believe this guy. He has proven to be a liar time and time again. Nothing that comes out of his mouth can be trusted.

          • How dare you! You’re just bitter because you went broke in the crypto market and now you’re trying to disparage my good name because I wouldn’t bail you out. I would say karma is coming for you, but it already has. And not only karma, but my lawyers. I will make sure you never have a dime in your pocket again. I told you telling lies about me would have consequences, but you refuse to listen. Now you will see what those consequences are. Also I can easily prove my 7000+ women claim. I can give you temporary access to the cloud storage where I have all my sexual encounters uploaded.

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