Massage Happy end 11

Believe it or not, I went to this massage parlour with no thoughts of having sex. My back was just really aching and I needed a massage. But once I seen how sexy my Asian masseuse was, I instantly got hard and knew I had to cum. Luckily she was used to giving out happy endings, and she even let me play with her body a little bit.

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  • Moneyneversleeps, you are pure evil! That was my idea about the free burgers with a blowjob! I will see you in court!

    • Listen missy, I know I said I would supply you with the beet, but I got ta thinkin’, maybe it’s time for me to get into the 21st Century. Moneyneversleeps I would gladly sell you a minority interest in my cattle farm for your free burger and blowjob project. All I ask is that you let me come on full time as your caterer. Of course we will have to discuss salary and benefits. Call me.

  • This reminds me, my newest line of sex robots can now give a professional quality massage with a happy ending. That’s just one of the extra talents we are programing in. Another one is, after you get a handjob, your sex robot can go to the kichen and prepare you a spaghetti bolognese or a burger and fries. These robots are going to revolutionize the world.

    • Now you’ve gone too far. It’s time I put you out of business for good. From now on all my girls are going to include a free hamburger along with every sex act. You’re trying to wipe out every woman working in massage parlours across the United States. We’re going to make that financially impossible for you to compete with us, the real working women of America.

      • Listen missy, I don’t like this money clown. If you want to include a burger with every rub and tug happy ending, I will gladly supply you the beef you need to make the burger. I own a cattle farm with over 300 head of cattle. I will gladly support your cause. I want real pussy, not robot pussy.

        • OMG you are so kind! This will help us so much! Please send me your contact info so we can get started. Moneyneversleeps needs to be put out to pasture, so to speak.

          • You people are fools. I’m going to buy out controlling interest in your cattle farm, Mr Cowboy. And I’ll take your beef to provide a free hamburger to the first 1000 clients that use my sex robots. A blowjob and a burger, What a brilliant concept. It’s the only thing smart Bambi has thought of. Too bad I’m stealing the idea now. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

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