I fuck beautiful girls from Los Angeles in cheap motels with bad reviews 8

I've been on quite a journey fucking prostitutes all across Los Angeles. The problem I encountered was I could not afford it, since most of the time I had to pay for a motel to get my rocks off. So I started researching the worst motels in Los Angeles. The one thing all the worst motels have in common is.... they are all extremely inexpensive! So by skimping on the motel I am able to afford nicer hookers! A genius plan if I do say so.

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  • I only go to the best hotels because I have a lot of money and class. That is something 99% of the people on this site are missing. It makes me sick to see people actually having sex in these establishments. I wouldn’t let my dog sleep in one of these places, let alone actually get naked and bring a lovely woman I want to have intercourse with there. You people disgust me.

  • Ladies, ladies. Please stop fighting. If you’re going to do that, you need to get in ring full of Jello and film it for us.

  • She’s a very exotic looking women and very cute. She looks like she is mixed race, probably Asian. This guy is smart spending so little on the room so he can afford to fuck nicer girls like this. Speaking from experience, most of us don’t care what kind of room we have to fuck you in, as long as we are getting paid and the sheets are reasonably clean. She sounds like she was having fun riding his hard cock.

    • Speak for yourself, sista. I don’t want to get naked in some roach hotel. Maybe that’s how you roll. I sure don’t. A man better at least take me to a 4 star hotel. I don’t do “sex” hotels that rent out the rooms by 30 minute intervals.

      • Oh, well excuse me! That’s funny coming from you! I heard stories about how you started out as a lot lizard. Going from truck to truck at Stuckey’s, trying to find some fat old man to bang you in the cab of his Freighliner. Don’t act like you’re so high and mighty. Some of us know your history.

        • Ya, well people change. And it shows how classless you are bringing that up. No wonder you like to wallow in the trash hotels. You are trash! I should have seen that sooner!

          • Whatever you say, lot lizard. When’s the last time your knees got covered in axle grease because you were on your knees in a truck stop garage? Ya, I heard that story too. Don’t push me, bitch. I know all about you.

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