I fuck beautiful girls from Los Angeles in cheap motels with bad reviews 5

As soon as I walked into this place and heard the low smoke alarm battery beep, I knew I was going to be in for a treat. Ya, it was a complete dive, but the VIP escort I hired didn't seem to mind. In fact, she was completely focused on making me cum. Now that I think about it, she probably wanted to get out of that place as fast as she could.

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  • Look at that stucco wall before they walk in the room. It looks like it is crumbling apart. Then the constant smoke alarm beep. This place is not only unsanitary, it is a fire hazard and a death trap. Imagine being so low class that you would risk your life in a fire trap just to bust a nut. All these hotels you went to should be condemned as uninhabitable. Please get some class, you charlatans.

    • Wow, look at the ego on you. I bet you are all talk and probably aren’t even that rich. In fact, I bet I make just as much or more money that you do. You’re not impressing anyone with your BS on here.

      • Is that right? I challenge anyone who thinks they have more money than me to upload a screenshot of their bank account. Whoever has more money gets to keep the other’s account. This is how alpha males do it on Wall Street. Who is willing to put up, or shut up?

        • I’m not showing you my bank account. You’re probably some hacker in his mom’s basement that’s trying to steal my banking info. Keep pretending you’re rich. Maybe you’ll fool someone some day.

          • Of course you can edit out any private details. I just want to see the balance. That is, if I can trust you to be honest about it and no photoshop it. Figures you would make excuses to get out of it once I challenged you. I know how you bums work. Yawn.

  • She definitely seemed like she wanted to get out of there fast. The fact she made him wear a condom for a blowjob is kind of offensive to me as well. That is just lame and clients hate that. Although she did do a good job sucking his cock. I must say, that smoke alarm low battery warning constantly going off in the background would have drove me crazy. I think I would have called down to the front desk and asked for a new 9 volt battery.

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