FlatEather Visit a brothel 1

Part of Flat Earther's documentary on infiltrating the lizard people's secret brothels to expose the world elites. It's amazing work he is doing showing how the people that run the world's economies have their own private sex clubs where they can go to procreate with others of their own species. Keep up the good work Flat Earther.

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  • You people are all idiots. There is no such thing as lizard people. Go check yourself into a mental institution.

  • My research into the reptilian overlords continues. Now I have been visiting brothels to see how the elite have fun in their spare time. I hate to say it, but I did have sex with some of the lizard people. So far I don’t think it has affected my health. I will be going back to have more sex with the lizard people.

    • Thanks for exposing these liberal scum. I knew Alex was right about these people. You can see their lizard tongues on the news footage. Keep an eye out for any celebrities and politicians there.

      • Thanks, oh, you wouldn’t believe the famous people I have seen here in the lobby. It’s a whose who of the liberal elites. They have either been taken over completely and replaced by the lizard people, or they are being paid a lot to endorse them. I’m on the cusp of a major discovery here. This runs deep.

        • Keep fighting the good fight, my son. These people are the spawn of Satan. The reason why our nations have moved so far from the word of God.

          • Well I don’t believe in your God either, father. Lizard people are one thing, but a man that lives in the sky and sees everything is really a crazy story. LOL.

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