Fan of the Cryptobillionaire emulated his idol in a new series 41

You can see at the start the expensive motel I had to visit to meet this VIP escort. When I got to the room I was pleasantly surprised by hot she was. She was a super sexy blonde that could have passed for a movie or TV celebrity. She didn't mind me recording her too, which was a nice surprise. I'm so happy I can afford to do stuff like this now, thanks to the Crypto Billionaire.

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  • How does this clown keep having these people make tribute videos for him? He is a complete failure and is now on here begging his students for money to eat. Are you a fan of his ebegging skills? Because he sure knows nothing about finances or crypto.

    • Please leave my fans alone. Pick on me if you want, but you don’t need to attack these people I helped to get ahead in their lives. They did nothing to you.

      • Well I think they need to be told that their guru is essentially the emporor without any clothes. You are a fraud, and your repeated occurrences of going completely broke proves that. They need to find better people to emulate.

        • Let me guess, who should they emulate instead of the CryptoBillionaire? You?

          • Of course. :) If they like to keep their money instead of going broke every 6 months, I would be the better choice.

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