Crypto Billionaire man fucks elite VIP girls 14

I've been paying extra for these VIP escorts to make sure when they show up they have big tits and let me go in without a condom. This babe definitely delivered. She loved betting pounded bareback, and just look at those massive tits. Sure, she has implants, but I have no problem with that. She felt so good I came in just a couple minutes.

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  • We have name for girl like her. Big Chief Balloon Tits. Looks like she inflated them with a bicycle pump.

  • OK do I have to be the first to say it? Those fake tits are hideous. It looks like someone put balloons inside of her and blew them up 2 sizes too big. They don’t fit with her skinny frame at all. And the tattoos are pathetic. Where did she get them at? Prison? If you are going to mark up your body for life, at least make sure you get a tattoo artist that knows what they are doing. It’s a shame because she could have been a very attractive girl, but she ruined herself by being cheap. Never cheap out when it comes to your body. NEVER! It’s the only one you’ve got!

  • I haven’t decided how much a person would earn in SBC by pulling out and cumming on their partner. I think it will be less than a creampie, but more than a blowjob. I can’t wait for everyone to start earning money with me!

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