Bald men can jump and fuck at the same time 26
Just because I'm bald, it doesn't mean I can't fuck hot women like men with a full head of hair. I would bet I have been with more hot women than the average man out there, by a wide margin. Most women even like my bald head.
Now these are some more interesting tattoos on this female. Not reptilian in origin, but ones used by someone being mind controlled by a reptilian. They are a slave or servant basically. They have had their minds messed with to the point all they do is serve their reptilian overlords. That’s the danger of letting their kind assimilate into our society.
Not again. You need mental help dude.
I’ve offered my help but I feel like he is almost past the point of that now.
I assure you I am completely sane. The tinfoil hat I wear blocks the lizard people from scrambling my brain, so they haven’t been able to silence me yet.