I fuck beautiful girls from Los Angeles in cheap motels with bad reviews 7

When is the last time you see a hotel with shag carpet? Never? Well me either. Until I found this dump. Speaking of dumps, I can just imagine how many loads have been dumped into this nasty carpet. Well, at least the place was cheap! And the escort I was with was not! She was an expert at sucking cock!

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  • Moneyneversleeps, I will NEVER give you the names of any of my successful clients. I don’t need you attacking them like you attack me. Get over yourself.

  • This is one of the most embarrassing videos I have seen on here. Imagine being able to get it up while that nasty, cum-filled carpet is beneath your feet. Sometimes I feel bad for the future of the planet. So low class bums are everywhere, spreading their filth. I should buy this motel just so I can tear it down.

    • Oh please, get off your high horse. The carpet is not that bad. It looks like it’s been vacuumed at least. Stop acting like you’re so much better than everyone else. No one here cares. Most of us are here to jack off to these videos. Not critique the decor.

      • Of course you would say this. Your’e the same clown that has lost everything, MULTIPLE times. And stop pretending like you are here for the videos. You are here to shill for your awful crypto trading school scam. You are part of the problem!

        • True, I might promote my courses here, but I have made many millionaires. What do you do to help anyone, besides insult and attack them? You are like the real life version of the Grinch!

          • Please name one person you made into a millionaire. And they had to have kept that status for more than one year. Recent documents I have seen prove everyone that takes your course and has even some modicum of success, loses all their money within a year. It’s because your courses are nothing more than gambling!

  • Another sexy babe with a gorgeous face and body. This guy really knows how to pick ’em. Of course, the room does look disgusting. The shag carpet is a bgi red flag. I know I said before we don’t care how nice the room is, but if it is unsanitary then that is a different story. There’s no way that nasty carpet can be kept clean when there is so many people fucking on it every day. That’s what all these cheap motels always get used for. Probably 60% of their business is sex related transactions.

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